Assistance in the development of civil society, economic, political and social reforms in Ukraine, influence on the formation of policies, protection of rights and freedoms, improving the quality of human life, in particular children and youth by combining the efforts of the community and the state.

About The Organization
For 26 years in a row, the Public Movement "Faith, Hope, Love" has been operating. The organization was created by an initiative group of psychologists, lawyers, medical workers and volunteers in 1996. Back in the days, the implementation of the first pilot project not only in Ukraine but also in the post-Soviet countries, based on the Harm Reduction Strategy - HIV/AIDS prevention among injecting drug users has begun in Odesa. March 26, 1997 the organization was officially registered in the regional Department of Justice.
The main key groups the organization works with include:
Internally Displaced Persons,
people affected by the war in Ukraine,
people who use drugs,
people living with HIV,
sex workers,
people in prison,
any person affected by human trafficking,
children in crisis,
children and young people who practice risky behaviors,
refugees and asylum seekers in Ukraine,
women who have suffered from various forms of violence,
representatives of the LGBTIQ + community,
people with disabilities,
women leaders, leaders of women's public organizations, deputies.
Since 1997, work has begun to cover new key groups involved in the HIV/AIDS epidemic with preventive measures.
The emphasis in the activities of the organization is placed on preventive and educational work with children and youth - these are children who practice risky forms of behavior, students and students of SPTU, students of technical schools, universities. Interactive forms of seminars and trainings are used to work with children and youth. Starting from 2014, children from IDP families receive psychological services, humanitarian aid, participate in master classes, art therapy classes, etc.
Gender-oriented services began to be introduced into the organization's activities more than 15 years ago. Special attention is paid to the introduction of activities to support women, their leadership, assistance in achieving equal rights and opportunities for women in access to politics, decision-making, business at the regional and city levels, participation in electoral processes, assistance in the formation of gender policy.

Directions of Work

Policies and Procedures

2022 in Numbers